The Honor Councils
An Honor Code has likely existed since the founding of Richmond College in 1840. The administration of the Honor Code was given by the faculty to the Westhampton College Government Association when it was established in 1914, and to the newly formed Richmond College Student Council, which later became the Richmond College Student Government Association, in 1915. The Richmond College and Westhampton College Councils of Honor were established in 1933 with a mission to educate students on the Honor Code and academic integrity as well as to adjudicate potential violations of the Code. The Honor System has been student-run ever since.
Today, through continued student, faculty, and staff support, the Honor System helps to create a community of integrity and trust for all students. The Honor System does not serve the University as a set of laws, but rather as a set of expectations and a way of life accepted and promoted by each member of the University community. The campus community assumes that each student values honor and integrity unless their actions prove otherwise.
The University of Richmond Honor System aspires to instill a lifelong dedication to academic integrity in each student. As a result of the Honor Code, the University community benefits from an open, trusting, and respectful environment both in and out of the classroom. It is essential that all members of the community work together to uphold these traditions and values.
Chairs and Advisors
Mohamed Aziz, Chair, Richmond College Honor Council
Jolie Martin, Chair, Westhampton College Honor Council
Dean Joe Boehman, Richmond College
Dean Mia Reinoso Genoni, Westhampton College