Conveying a Concern about a Student
Immediate Threat
If immediate assistance is needed because of a threat to someone's safety, call the police:
On-campus situations: Call UR Police emergency (804-289-8911); or 8911 from any campus phone
Off-campus situations: Call 911 to access local police responders
Other Concerns
For all other types of mental health, or safety concerns, or to convey a concern about a student please fill out this form. The form will be routed to the appropriate office(s):
- Undergraduate students: Contact the Richmond College Dean’s Office (804) 289-8061 or the Westhampton College Dean’s Office (804) 289-8468. If you are not sure with which college a student identifies, please call either college.
- Law students: Katy Olney
- MBA & MSM students: Amy McCracken
- School of Professional and Continuing Studies students: Gretchen Flynn
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): (804) 289-8119.
Threat Assessment Team
The Threat Assessment Team is a multi-representative body that assesses high-level concerns. Learn more about Threat Assessment.
Contact University of Richmond Police: (804) 289-8715 (non-emergency/after hours), (804) 289-8911 (emergency).
Be Alert to Signs of Difficulty
- Deterioration in classroom performance or quality/quantity of work
- Missed assignments
- Repeated absences from class
- Disorganized or erratic performance
- Frequently falls asleep in class
- Comes to class bleary-eyed, hungover, or smelling of alcohol
- Continually seeks special provisions (late papers, extensions, postponed examinations); NOT including accommodations granted by a UR Disability Accommodation Notice
- Essays or creative work which indicate extremes of hopelessness, social isolation, rage, or despair
- Inappropriate or atypical behavior in class (e.g., hostile glances; highly argumentative; leaving class abruptly)
General Behavioral Indicators
- Direct statements indicating distress, family problems or other difficulties
- Unprovoked or excessive anger or hostility
- Exaggerated personality traits (e.g., more withdrawn or more animated than usual)
- Excessive dependency
- Tearfulness
- Dramatic mood swings
- Flat affect (i.e., no display of emotion at all)
- Deterioration in physical appearance, or lack of personal hygiene
- Impaired speech; disjointed thoughts
- Social withdrawal
- Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities
- Excessive fatigue
- Significant changes in weight
- Marked worries, fears, anxiety
- Marked restlessness, tension, or agitation
Safety Risk Indicators
- Hints about not being around in the future, or saying goodbye
- Any statement, written or oral, which has a sense of finality or a suicidal tone to it
- Essays or papers which focus on despair, rage, suicide or death
- Gives away prized possessions
- Self-injurious or self-destructive behaviors
- Active substance abuse and/or increase in use of drugs or alcohol
- High degree of agitation, or impulsivity
- Any other behavior which seems out of control
- Has been a victim of bullying by others
- Enjoys hurting animals
- History of previous violent acts
- Frequently starts or participates in fights
- Extreme hostility toward peers or authority figures
- Loses temper and self-control easily
- Becomes easily frustrated and converts frustration into physical violence
- Access to or preoccupation with weapons
- Possesses or creates media depicting graphic images of death or violence
- Statements indicating harmful intentions toward others
- Detailed plans for committing acts of violence
Take These Signs Seriously
Don’t disregard what you’ve observed. At the very least, convey your observations and concerns to the appropriate dean’s office. The dean’s office usually has the most holistic picture of each student and is best able to gather information from a variety of sources. The dean’s office can call a student in, express concern, and make referrals to appropriate sources of help.